Snapshot - Build 1518 [+] New command: DB EDIT [-] DB Playlist Browser: Display errors in playlist when using Append twice [+] Notification scripts: Added OnItemStart, OnItemStop Version 4.1.5 Build 1514 (2012-11-15) [-] Audio devices configuration not saved properly after deleting an assigment [-] New playlist item option: Avoid overlap with previous item [-] DB (networked): Move message processing into separate thread to avoid delays/hangs on slow connections [-] Cue Editor (Player PFL): Export to Tag/MMD/Database buttons missing [-] DB: Track/artist/title separation not calculated correctly [+] Player: New skin.ini setting VolumeSliderWidth [+] File import: Filenames named "artist - title" are split correctly [-] Amplification ignored in Container playback and Mixdown [-] Cue Markers which are very close to the beginning of the file may be ignored [*] Updated BASS to Version 4.1.4 Build 1501 (2012-09-04) [-] Live Feed and Stream items forget properties when saved in mAirListDB [-] DB: Access Violation when using "Export all" function [-] Opening VST plugin configuration may freeze mAirList [-] When clicking a playlist item, the Properties dialog will not always open on the Cue Editor tab [-] Cannot change encoder playback/record devices at runtime [-] When an item is recycled, it is sometimes skipped during playback [-] DB: Error message when editing items from playout module as a non-Admin-user [-] IOWarrior: Port config not displayed until device is selected from list again [+] Encoder: Support for custom stream formats [-] Container content logged even if logging is disabled for container [*] DB: Sync dialog filters out ._* files Version 4.1.3 Build 1487 (2012-07-24) [*] Item title displayed in Properties Dialog and Cue Editor [*] Playlist item properties dialog remembers last active tab [*] Database schema upgraded to version 19 to improve search speed [-] Broken playback of Hook Containers with more than two sweepers [*] Browser displays AAC files (they will play fine without any BASS add-on on Windows 7 and above) [-] Multiple copies of the same stream are downloaded during playback [-] Playlist items: start/stop actions not loaded properly from DB and playlists [-] Config: Default automation fade time rounded down to nearest second [-] Item Properties dialog: possible Invalid Floating Point Operation error [-] DB: "Clear" function does not work in hour template assignment dialog [*] Improved reliability of stream playback, avoid possible dropouts [-] Mix Editor and Container playback shows wrong duration and playback position if Cue In is set on the first item in list [+] REST: Ability to retrieve runtime data (GET /runtimedata/) [-] Player: "Weather" may be missing in the auto load item types after upgrade [*] Mini Scheduler: Don't add opener/closer for missing items [-] Playlist does not prevent dragging a container into itself Version 4.1.2 Build 1470 (2012-06-28) [*] Improved File Manager for better and faster caching of network files [+] Playlist items: New option "Do not use File Manager" [-] Sporadic range check error in waveform display for some files [+] Cue Editor: Height of waveform can be adjusted (splitter beneath toolbar) [-] Aircheck/mixdown in MP3 format may cause "Encoder process died" error [-] Layout Designer: Error message on disabled screen objects Version 4.1.1 Build 1465 (2012-06-08) [+] Support for "Artist - Title - Year" filenames [+] Support for DirEttore-style cue information in filenames [+] DB: Current Library view can be reloaded with F5 [-] DB: Playlist selector always displays sub-playlist 0 (master playlist) [+] GUI: New option "Show close confirmation if there are active players" [-] DB: Cue markers may not be saved properly after VT [+] Start/Stop actions can be attached also to non-playable items. They will be executed when the item is passed in automation mode. [-] DB: Sync dialog does not remember last used folder [+] Scripting: Added Factory.CreateHookContainer [-] Aircheck/Mixdown stops after 3:22 hours Version 4.1.0 Build 1457 (2012-05-16) [-] Configuration not saved properly [-] Screen objects which are disabled in config are shown nonetheless [-] DB: Selecting default station in config does not work for local DB Version 4.1 RC1 Build 1453 (2012-05-09) [-] DB: Database link not established when adding files from Explorer or browser [-] skin.ini button font settings not loaded Warning: Extended Button screen object config might be broken after upgrade! [-] DB: Possible error message when navigating through Library [-] Main window: Prevent opening mAirListDB window for inactive connections (#80) [-] SAM4 database: Duration not imported correctly [*] Changed default time formats for playlist and players (#83) [-] VT: Fade Out and Cue Out of Item A not set (#88) [*] Joystick remote: Product name and GUID is given in error messages (#89) [-] Fixed a couple of memory leaks [*] All audio devices are kept open even if player is empty [-] Player: Possible error message when waveform image gets too narrow [+] Event list: Ability to disable particular events [*] Improved startup time for large numbers of cart players [+] Player: Faster processing of VOLUME commands [-] Encoder status window: LINE button isn't updated when line switched remotely [+] Encoder: Support for Shoutcast v2 Stream IDs [-] Item Properties dialog: Changes to filename on "General" page not saved [-] Access Violation when trying to load a File item with empty filename [-] Errors when playing files from an FTP server [-] DB: Error message when loading Network File item from Library [*] DB: "Playlist Categories" feature renamed into "Sub-Playlists" Version 4.1 beta1 Build 1434 (2012-03-23) [-] Generate database playlist action doesn't work [-] Encoder: Line/Mic inputs don't work [*] Better error message when encoder executable is missing [-] DB: Error message after editing an item [-] DB: Error message when setting up a new connection [-] VT: Volume envelope not always calculated correctly [-] VT: Start Next not set correctly for short item A with no Cue In [-] Events expire by default [-] Encoder: Peakmeter shows levels before DSP processing [-] Player: Progress bar not updated during PFL [-] Possible ASIO error 3 during startup when the "Keep device option" is used for a DirectShow device [-] MMD files are sometimes not properly written or read [-] DB: Error message when moving items between folders [+] VT Recorder and players: Volume tooltip displayed in sliders [-] VT Recorder doesn't restore size/position correctly [-] VT Recorder: Mix Editor will automatically focus recorded track [-] VT Config: Options not saved/restored [-] VT: mAirListDB Import dialog always pop ups regardless of configuration [-] eldoDB: Incorrect item durations [-] mAirListTag: Remembers all open browsers after restart [+] Added support for playing files on HTTP/FTP servers inside containers [-] DB: Error message when using the Unsorted folder in scheduling [-] Mixdown: No error message is displayed when encoder executable is missing [+] VT: Ability to select arbitrary tracks for VT session [-] Mini Scheduler: Optimized code for better performance with large folders [-] VT: Removed "More" button; changes to the title are now applied correctly [+] ASIO: New option "ignore device" will prevent initialization errors on unused/broken ASIO devices; required restart [-] DB: Type filter doesn't work correctly in Database browser [-] DB: Volume envelopes are lost after recording a voice track [-] VT: Dialog flickers when volume of Player A is adjusted [-] Cue Editor: Possible access violation on right-click into waveform [-] Cue Editor: Possible range check error on invalid cue point positions [+] Cue Editor: Ability to change waveform options in config [+] Cue Editor: New waveform option "Immediately test cue markers after modification" [-] Player: New waveform options "Mouse navigation" and "Read only". If mouse navigation is off and read only is on, the "player click command" can be now be triggered by clicking into the waveform [+] VT: Artist/title is displayed for item A and B (can be turned off in config) [+] New experimental feature: Integrated streaming server. Provides a new encoder "connection" type that opens a Shoutcast-compatible server that listener clients can directly connect to. (Current limitaions: no metadata; no listener counting) [-] DB: Error message when manually adding Dummy etc. items [-] DB: Error message when deleting items from disk [-] DirectSound record device settings not stored/retrieved correctly [-] DB: Last/next use not displayed in library [-] Cue Editor: End Mon duration from config is ignored [*] Updated bass.dll to [*] Updated bass_fx.dll to [*] Updated bass_enc.dll to [*] Updated bassmix.dll to [*] Updated basswasapi.dll to [-] DB: Changes made in Mix Editor are not preserved [-] Encoder: No sound, RAM leak and high CPU load when using DirectSound output [+] Added support for loading Zillenbiller playlists (*.pl1, *.al1) [*] BASS update period is decreased automatically for small buffer sizes, avoiding sound lockups and possible high memory consumption due to "stuck" audio data [-] Joystick gameport config dialog design broken [*] SAS: Removed per-player GPO, no longer needed due to updated protocol [+] SAS: Added Voice Tracking support [-] DB: Error message when trying to delete storage Version 4.1 alpha Build 1400 (2012-01-18) For more information, see